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Lake Orta

Day 13

  • Board Bus for ride to Orta San Giulio

    • Tour review by Tricia​

  • Arrive Hotel La Bussola

  • Quick lunch on our own

  • Boat ride to Isola San Giulio

    • Free time on the Island​

  • Return to Orta for free afternoon

  • Last group dinner 

Day 14

  • Departures

Day 13 was our last day spent together as a group.  Tricia had previously gathered our departure information and had arranged transportation for everyone the next day.  We loaded our luggage one last time onto the bus and Mario started our journey to Orta San Giulio on Lake Orta.  The drive was a bit over 3 hours, but I thought it went quickly.  We had one stop at an Autogrill, which is like a gourmet truck stop.  We had a chance to stretch our legs and get a snack before continuing on to our last hotel.  

Tricia also used this time to review our adventure together.  Many of us recorded the history of our trip while she reminded us of the many places we had visited.  That recording is almost 60 minutes long and it has been invaluable in creating this scrapbook of our tour.  Tricia was a great tour guide and I am so glad we had the chance to spend two amazing weeks with her and our fellow travelers.

We had a great view of the Italian Alps as we traveled and were thrilled with the beauty of our last village on our tour, Orto San Guilo.  Mario artfully backed the bus through the gates of Hotel La Bussola.  We unloaded our luggage from the bus and said a final goodbye to Mario. Buon Viaggio! (Safe travels)

Many of us had rooms with small balconies overlooking the pretty town and we could also enjoy a view of the Island of St Julius.  It was our last full day of the tour and the weather was perfect.  Bryan and I had booked the last tour in September hoping for good weather and our wishfully thinking payed off.  After a quick stop in our rooms, we were heading into town to find lunch and then regroup for a trip to the small Island.  Tricia had hired a boat for us and we were on the island in just a few minutes.

The Island of St Julius is a tiny island in the middle of the smallest lake in Italy, Lake Orta.  We walked the path that circles part of the island called the Way of Silence and Meditation.  As you follow the path one way, there are small signs that remind us to observe and listen to the silence.  When you reach the end of the path, you retrace your steps with the reverse side of the signs encouraging thoughtfulness and meditation.

The Basilica of St. Julius a small church tucked in among the other buildings on the island.  It is a 12th-century church of Romanesque design.  The interior had very ornate decorations and art which was dramatically different from the other churches we had visited on the tour.  Photos were not allowed inside the small basilica.  The island is also home to a Benedictine abbey of cloistered nuns.  The rest of the minuscule island is made up of vacation villas accessible only by boat to their private docks.  It was a pleasant walk around the island, but the best part was seeing the wonderful scenery of the area from the middle of the small lake.  

Once we had returned to town, Tricia treated us all to some wonderful gelato from a gelateria that made their ice cream fresh in the store.  While we snacked, she suggested a few things to see in the area.  We were free to roam until we gathered again for our last dinner together later that evening. 

Bryan and I did a little more shopping and meandered through the small town as we did in many of the other villages on this journey.  The town was very quaint and I was wishing we had decided to stay one more day in Orta before heading home.  It was going to be hard to go back to the busy pace of life at home after spending time in these quiet villages.

The group had decided to meet up for a cocktail just outside the pool area before walking into town for dinner.  The evening had a very festive feeling.  I was feeling a mix of emotions and I am guessing others were feeling the same.  I was excited to get home to our family, our home and my favorite pillow, but I was also going to miss our new friends and, of course, the amazing villages of Italy that we had explored.

We had a fun farewell dinner and it was nice to see how relaxed and comfortable everyone was with each other.  The view of the island, as the sky darkened, was amazing.  Many of us said our goodbyes after dinner, as some had very early departure times the next morning. 

We woke up early to a view of the lake, and the little island shrouded in fog.  I decided to go out and take a few more pictures before leaving for the airport.  I grabbed a Coke from the refrigerator on my way out, as I still didn't like espresso for my morning caffeine fix.  I loved that the design on the bottle was of Venice, our first stop on this vacation. 

I walked down towards the center of town and enjoyed the peacefulness of the foggy morning.  The small community was starting their day, and I again found myself wishing we could stay longer.  Bryan and I hope to return someday with our daughters to show them the wonders of Italy.

The people of Italy were very kind and patient with my attempts to use their beautiful language.  Bryan and I loved the villages we visited, the fun people we travelled with, and we enjoyed lots of great food and wine.  I hope this scrapbook gave everyone a little taste (gusto) of the wonderful experience we had on this tour .

I wanted to share our experiences and pictures with those who might be considering taking this tour by entering the Rick Steves Scrapbook contest.  Somewhere in the middle of all of the work, it became a labor of love.  I realized that this is something special Bryan and I will be able to look at to relive our great vacation and share it with our family and friends.  This scrapbook is also a gift that I can give Tricia and our tour mates.  As I am finishing this last bit of writing, I have become quite aware that there are not enough words in the English language to describe the beauty of Italy.   Majestic, marvelous, magnificent, serene, tranquil, spectacular, beautiful, breathtaking, and the list goes on and on.  I will continue to learn Italian in my search for more words to depict my feelings towards the people, the scenery, and the foods of Italia

Thank you Rick Steves, for falling in love with Europe.  You have built a company that has a great staff and unforgettable guides who create amazing experiences for so many people.

Grazie mille!

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